Designing for Fire Safety

When designing buildings to comply with Fire safety standards, the current version of the Irish Building Regulation Part B [2006], amended in 2020, makes reference to BS5588 Parts 1 – 12 (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings). However, this standard has been withdrawn by the British Standards Institution (BSI) and has been replaced by two separate standards;

·         BS9991 [2015] Fire safety in the design, management and use of residential buildings. Code of practice

·         BS9999 [2017] Fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings. Code of practice.

Most applications for a Fire Safety Certificate for new non-residential buildings or works to existing buildings in Ireland now utilise BS9999 as the basis for design.

Synergy Engineering have extensive experience completing the Mechanical and Electrical designs for non-residential buildings that comply with BS9999.

John Brophy